Our Officers

Our Officers
Air commodore CGH Khan is a retired Air officer of the IAF. He had his schooling from Bellary in Karnataka, then graduation from Karnataka Science College Dharwad. He acquired MBA from Karnataka University in 1983, prior to joining IAF. He was awarded with MPhil in the field of Military Studies by Dept of Political Science, Osmania University, Telangana State.
He was commissioned on 8th June 1984 in the Administrative Branch of IAF. In more than 33 years of active service, he had held diverse field, Staff and command appointments. During his chequered service he was a Chief Administrative Officer of important flying Air Bases in Telangana and Maharashtra State. He was Commanding Officer of the Air Force Provost and Security Units in Kashmir Valley and Maharashtra State. He had two tenures in Air Force Counter Intelligence Units and was member of Air Force Officers Selection Board at Varanasi and Mysore. As senior Group Testing Officer he has assessed more than 2500 candidates at Air Force Selection Board. In recognition of his vast experience in selection system he was posted as Head of the Training Division at Defence Institute of Psychological Research (DIPR), New Delhi, where assessors are trained for Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard Selection Boards in India. He was moderator for All India Standardisation Exercises for selection centres on behalf of DIPR, New Delhi. He was in-charge of HR management at two important Command HQs and also functioned as Deputy Provost Marshal at Air HQ monitoring and supervising the security of Air Bases in India. During his service, he had undergone various service courses at Air Force Intelligence School, Air Force Administrative College, College of Air Warfare, Sardar Vallabhai Police Academy and Lal Bhadhur Shastri Academy of Administration. In April 2010, he visited US Air Force Base, Guam and represented IAF as a team leader on ‘Subject Matter Expert in Security. He also visited Air Force bases at France as a member of the Higher Air Command course in 2011. He has also been commended by Air Officer Commanding in Chief, Central Air Command and Chief of Air Staff, IAF. He retired as Air Commodore in Sep 2017 from HQ Training Command, Bangalore.